Some are asking "where have all these people been?!" in response to the mass mobilization efforts now taking place as a result of the bigotry fueled acts of ethnic cleansing initiated by the U.S. in the form of immigration bans. Although I can certainly understand the frustration, it is helpful to open to the truth that not every heart catches fire at the same time or burns the same way. Would the current level of resistance look the same if you had not never participated previously or, if, before now, you had "done more"? Who knows. And frankly, does it matter moving forward?
We can temper our egos with a reality check-- there will always be those who have advocated and organized longer, fought harder, been more effective, arrested more, given more of themselves, posed more of a threat to the system, etc, etc, etc. When we drop down a chakra or two and work from our heart center, we can find inspiration in this.
The mark of an effective activist and/or strong movement is, once one mover and shaker is no longer active in resistance, there are others who step up and handle business. How many people are able to learn and be inspired by our energies? Like one match setting fire to the next. Each of our fleshy shells burns out at some point. Remembering our name or what we did is not important, just as long as there is still fire somewhere. We are not our flesh, we are the conscious collective. Embrace yourself, by embracing your brothers and sisters.. your wholeness. Newly lit or not ♡
Love and light aside, you better believe that within the crowds of people demonstrating at airports, there is a very healthy fraction who would still condemn and move against those who hold more "radical" positions. It's helpful for us to embrace people where they are, but keep it moving if they want to cool you down or change the way your flame burns. Namaste ♡
#morningmeditation #tolerance #vibratehigher #givethanks #commUNITY #RESISTANCE #DEFENDtheSACRED #immigrantban #muslimban #ethniccleansing #fascism